Category: Vegetarian

Sunday Brunch: Vegetarian Hash with Basil Vinaigrette Dressing

Ok, so I’ve been really good these last 6 months.
Most days I try to eat healthy & try to keep my alcohol intake at a minimum…
Then Sunday hits & I don’t know what comes over me 
but apparently all bets are friggin’ OFF when it comes to brunch.
(I said I try, not promise!)
However, these last couple of Sundays have been a little different…
You see, in about 1 month I will have to partake in the shame-inducing act of squeezing myself into a unforgivingly tight wedding gown & parading all of this goodness in front of close friends & family as I repeat “don’t trip, don’t fall, don’t throw up” over & over again in my head.  
So this Sunday, all bets were slightly back ON.
Now, I don’t believe in giving up everything to fit in said wedding dress. 
That would just be crazy.
So I took my favorite recipe for skillet potatoes or “hash” as some fancy-schmancies like to call it, & I kicked the veggie & flavor up a notch while limiting the fat & calories by removing the meat from the hash.  Instead, I used chunky, hearty vegetables to replace the typical “corned beef” & made a kick ass flavorful vinaigrette to make this dish more satisfying & savory.
Now before you get all cray- cray on me & say, “Hey, olive oil is FATTY”, listen here:
Yeah, I know olive oil is fat. However, it is GOOD FAT. 
& yeah, there is such a thing.
You need a little fat to keep your skin & hair soft, deliver, store & absorb fat-soluble vitamins in your body & it provides a highly-concentrated form of energy.
(Do I really have to say more after the whole “keeps your skin & hair soft”?)
So make the vinaigrette, toss your hash in it & don’t worry so much!
It’s the weekend!

Trust your belly as well as your face & hair will thank you!


Polenta Huevos Rancheros

Sooo…I got a new full length mirror.
I just thought I’d share.
You see, I’m not only telling you this because it’s pretty & makes my room look bigger
but that little so-and-so shows me the TRUTH.
The ugly truth.
For instance: it showed me the new fine lines that have developed around my eyes that remind me yes, you ARE in your 30’s, that I religiously forget to zip up my zipper & most importantly it revealed to me that my once lovable muffin top (whom I have affectionately named “Pancha”) had turned into quite the jelly roll.
Stupid truthful mirror…

So faced with all this new found truth, I decided to make some changes:

First: I bought a huge tub of Retinol off Amazon that kiiiinda burns my face…I’m no dermatologist but I don’t think it’s supposed to do that but hey, my eyes look great. 
Second: I check my zipper every 5 minutes (it may or may not look like I’m compulsively touching my no-no’s in public but meh, whatever).
 Third: I decided to get in shape & get healthy!

How am I going about this “getting healthy” business, you ask? (I know you totally did)
Well, I started doing the Insanity workout videos
(It’s day 23 & I still feel like Shaun T. took a bag of nickels to my ass & legs) 
& I’ve changed my old eating habits to new healthier ones!

Only there’s one little problem…
The old me & the new me don’t always agree over our meal choices. 

The new “Insane” me says: 
“Hey, you totally love celery, protein shakes, & grapes with a side of air!”
The old me is like: 
“Who the hell invited this granola-muncher? Girrrrl, you like nachos. Keep it real.”

So we compromise.
And out of that give-&-take relationship the following recipe was born 🙂 