Category: Potatoes

Garlic Infused Irish Champ

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!
When I posed the question on Facebook as to what Irish dish they wanted to see on the blog, one of my kind readers suggested I make Champ!
Of course I give the people what they want so here goes…
and by people I mean the one person that actually responded.
[insert awkward crickets here]
 But you know I can’t just put out any ol’ recipe so I’m going to put my little spin on it while trying to keep it as traditional as possible.
So here goes nothin’!


Sunday Brunch: Vegetarian Hash with Basil Vinaigrette Dressing

Ok, so I’ve been really good these last 6 months.
Most days I try to eat healthy & try to keep my alcohol intake at a minimum…
Then Sunday hits & I don’t know what comes over me 
but apparently all bets are friggin’ OFF when it comes to brunch.
(I said I try, not promise!)
However, these last couple of Sundays have been a little different…
You see, in about 1 month I will have to partake in the shame-inducing act of squeezing myself into a unforgivingly tight wedding gown & parading all of this goodness in front of close friends & family as I repeat “don’t trip, don’t fall, don’t throw up” over & over again in my head.  
So this Sunday, all bets were slightly back ON.
Now, I don’t believe in giving up everything to fit in said wedding dress. 
That would just be crazy.
So I took my favorite recipe for skillet potatoes or “hash” as some fancy-schmancies like to call it, & I kicked the veggie & flavor up a notch while limiting the fat & calories by removing the meat from the hash.  Instead, I used chunky, hearty vegetables to replace the typical “corned beef” & made a kick ass flavorful vinaigrette to make this dish more satisfying & savory.
Now before you get all cray- cray on me & say, “Hey, olive oil is FATTY”, listen here:
Yeah, I know olive oil is fat. However, it is GOOD FAT. 
& yeah, there is such a thing.
You need a little fat to keep your skin & hair soft, deliver, store & absorb fat-soluble vitamins in your body & it provides a highly-concentrated form of energy.
(Do I really have to say more after the whole “keeps your skin & hair soft”?)
So make the vinaigrette, toss your hash in it & don’t worry so much!
It’s the weekend!

Trust your belly as well as your face & hair will thank you!
